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Last updated Nov 6, 2021 Edit Source

# 住房自有率 - House Ownership Rate


Tags: #HousingMarket #Index

List of countries by home ownership rate


# About Housing Market

# Why is the housing market important to the economy?3

The housing market is closely linked to consumer spending. When house prices go up, homeowners become better off and feel more confident. Some people will borrow more against the value of their home, either to spend on goods and services, renovate their house, supplement their pension, or pay off other debt.

When house prices go down, homeowners risk that their house will be worth less than their outstanding mortgage.  People are therefore more likely to cut down on spending and hold off from making personal investments.

  1. 住房自有率与经济发展水平——基于中国31 个省和地区的经验分析余秋梅1,2,孙伟增3,4,郑思齐3,4 ↩︎

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