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Last updated Nov 17, 2021 Edit Source

# SVD in Action


Tags: #SVD #Math/LinearAlgebra

# Economy SVD

在被分解的矩阵A特别"瘦高"的时候(m»n), 我们可以只取$U$的前n列, 因为后面的"重要性"不大.

# Application

# Digital Watermark

# Hands-on Tips

# Plot how the information varies

# SVD Method of Snapshots

SVD Method of Snapshots - YouTube

# Relation with Fourier

SVD is kind of a data-driven generation of Fourier Transform/ (如何理解?)

傅里叶变换矩阵就是一个酉矩阵, SVD里面的U也是一个酉矩阵 Unitary Transformations - YouTube