图灵归约 Turing Reduction
密码学原理与实践 Page 167
假设我们已经存在一个解决问题 A 的算法 $G(x)$
一个A到B的图灵归约即利用$G(x)$构造一个解决问题B的算法$H(x)$, 并且$H(x)$是多项式时间的.
https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/194313998 这篇文章译自 reductions-and-jokes
Instead of putting out a fire, the following video is about retrieving a shoe that is floating away.
# Another Example
Here is an example of reductions that are not so silly and a little less simple.
Imagine that Alice and Bob are at it again. Bob wants to be able to multiply integers fast and he plans on building a hardware system that stores the answers in a table. Then his hardware system will be able to compute the product of two integers by just looking up the answers. Okay, there are really better ways to do this, but just play along for the moment.
Bob’s table is big and he is troubled. The above table has
entries just to multiply numbers less than
. Clearly for a more extensive table the cost grows fast. He asks his friend Alice for some help. She says:”Just store the diagonal values and I can show you how to handle the general case.” Here is her old trick.
Using this allows Bob to just store the diagonal of the multiplication table, and forget all the rest. It is a powerful reduction that shows:
One can reduce integer multiplication to addition and taking the square of a number.
For example,