# Course Intro & Relational Algebra
Tags: #Database
# Overview
这门课是关于数据库的DBMS的设计和实现的, 而不是关于如何使用一个数据库的
2 classes per week, supplementary reading materials.
TextBook: Database System Concepts: The best among all the textbooks - Andy Pavlo
Project: build your own storage manager from scratch. A relatively complex software yet not a full-fledged system. Domino-way of building.
# Database
a collection of data that’s related together in some way that’s try’s to model some aspects of real world. a useful database is the one which you can ask question about it.
Flat Files:
- CSV File: Comma Separated Value File
- If we want to find out which year the artist “Ice Cube” went solo, we could write the following python code to iterate through the file above:
- Implementation
- However, there could be many issues in this way of storing information.
- For example, this method is slow and becomes problematic when sharing data between programs(e.g. write to the same file at the same time).
- Durability Problems
- Data Integrity Problems
- Allows apps to store and analyze info in a database
- 不用重复造轮子
- We’ll focus on In-disk DB
- Definition, Creation, Query, Update and Administration of databases are the essential functionalities of a general-purpose DBMS.
# History of DBMSs
- Early Stage
Tight coupling between logical and physical layers.
- People: Ted Codd - Purposed Relational Model
Data Model: a collection of concepts for describing the data in a database. -> The Higher Concept Schema: a description of a particular collection of data, Using a given data model. -> The Actual Plan
- There are a bunch of data models:
Relational Model: Three Parts
- Structure: The definitions of relations and their contents.
- Integrity: Ensure the database’s contents satisfy constraints.
- Manipulation: How to access and modify a database’s contents
Relation: Definition Unordered set that contain the relation of attributes that represent entities.
- Tuple: a set of attribute values(Domains) in the relation.(所以Tuple不只是三元组哈)
Primary Key Uniquely identify a single tuple.
# DML: Data Manipulation Languages
- Procedural: 描述DBMS应该怎么找到目标数据
- 对应 Relational Algebra ->我们这门课研究的对象
- Non-Procedural: 描述需要什么数据, 但是不给出怎么找到这些数据.
- 对应Relational Calculus
# Relational Algebra
Describe the fundamental operations to retrieve and manipulate tuples in a relation(Based on Set Algebra)
关系代数是Procedural的, 描述的是筛选数据所要进行的操作.
在课件里面举了一个例子, 如果我们用Procedural Language(比如 关系代数)来描述我们需要的数据, 那么可能会出现效率低的情况, 最佳的策略是描述我们需要的数据(Non-Procedural的), 让DBMS来决定怎样查找效率高, 这也是现在数据库里面的现行标准.(de facto standard)