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D2L-64-Kernel Regression

Last updated Apr 20, 2022 Edit Source

# Nadaraya-Watson Kernel Regression


Tags: #KernelRegression #Nonparametric #Attention #MachineLearning

# Intuition

# Definition

$$f(x) = \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{K(x - x_i)}{\sum_{j=1}^n K(x - x_j)} y_i$$

# Example of Nadaraya–Watson Estimator in practice

1 4002

# Kernel Regression and Attention

D2L-66-Kernel Regression and Attention

  1. 10.2. 注意力汇聚:Nadaraya-Watson 核回归 — 动手学深度学习 2.0.0-beta0 documentation ↩︎

  2. 6.2 Kernel regression estimation | Notes for Predictive Modeling ↩︎