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Vision Transformer (ViT)

Last updated Sep 22, 2022 Edit Source

# Vision Transformer


Tags: #ViT

# How the Vision Transformer works in a nutshell1

The total architecture is called Vision Transformer (ViT in short). Let’s examine it step by step.

  1. Split an image into patches
  2. Flatten the patches
  3. Produce lower-dimensional linear embeddings from the flattened patches
  4. Add positional embeddings
  5. Feed the sequence as an input to a standard transformer encoder
  6. Pretrain the model with image labels (fully supervised on a huge dataset)
  7. Finetune on the downstream dataset for image classification

  1. How the Vision Transformer (ViT) works in 10 minutes: an image is worth 16x16 words | AI Summer ↩︎